Connecting to the Angels

By Jan Schipman  Angels are God’s messengers. They are here to teach us that God’s love answers all our prayers and our challenges. The angels are great healers helping us to heal physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. All we need to do is ask them. We have free will, and [...] Read more »

To Judge or Not To Judge?

When we’re driving and the light turns yellow, we make a judgment about whether to stop or go through. Our decision is based upon our past experiences as well as our belief system. Because of our past experiences in driving, we see a yellow light, calculate how far we are from the intersection, how fast we are going and then decide what is safe. Also affecting our decision is our belief system. For some individuals, yellow lights mean speed up because I don’t want to be delayed in my travels. For others, yellow lights mean that we should slow down and stop and that the tiny delay is worth it in order to stay safe. It’s a judgment call. Read more »

The Healing Power of Color: Part Two

There are two steps to working with colors to improve our daily lives. The first step, understanding the individual properties of colors, was addressed in our last article. The second step is learning and applying certain techniques enabling us to project and absorb colors. So, how do we do this? In working with colors, we can do so physically, using color swatches or crystals and gemstones, or we can do so mentally, using visualization and breathing. Read more »

The Healing Power of Color: Part One

The old adage of “healer heal thyself” has never been more appropriate than when picturing yourself “in” a specific color, albeit surrounded by the walls within your home or office or the wardrobe that clothes your body. Remember the 1980s when the rage was to learn about your colors, whether you were spring, summer, fall (autumn) or winter, based upon the spectrum of colors that enhanced your skin tone? Read more »

How Resilient Are You?

Flow like water. That’s what my Qi Gong/Tai Chi teacher repeats to her students. The words have begun to echo in my head repeatedly even outside of class. When I began this practice a very short time ago, I realized that while the slow, swaying movements looked easy, it took great effort to perform the flowing exercises correctly. It took discipline, strength and concentration to flow like water. Read more »

Balancing the Yin and Yang

As I write this, I am sitting not far from one of Sedona, Arizona’s most powerful vortexes, and one whose energy is recognized as strengthening the feminine-masculine, or yin-yang balance.  Understanding ourselves is something we all strive to achieve.  Why we do what we do, respond as we respond, act [...] Read more »

Lisa Syndrome

I have known my friend Lisa for more than 30 years. When she walks into a room, it's as if a mega watt light switch is turned on. She has an infectious laugh and is an amazing dancer. She's a swimmer, a cook, an animal lover. She cares about and loves the people in her life as much as she does herself. She never second guesses herself, takes compliments graciously and speaks about herself confidently yet humbly. She accepts herself. Read more »

Harmonizing With the Opposites

Recently I found myself questioning why life feels so difficult at times. Why does it feel like a constant teeter-totter of emotions and moods? Can’t life just flow smoothly along? “I must be doing something wrong,” I lament. So I began to examine this dilemma because after all I read dozens of articles a month about how to keep your life in balance and live joyfully. I should know the answer to this. Read more »

Finding the Gifts in Grief (Part 2)

Finding the pot of gold lurking in the background of grief can be a challenge. Under normal conditions, I am quite the determined spirit. I will dig unwaveringly through a sale bin to find my size, feeling like a hunting and gathering success. But when it comes to aligning with the good in the thick of my own heavy emotional space, not so easy! Lately it seems that I have temporary amnesia when it comes to remembering the insightful self-healing and personal enrichment classes that I have taught over the last decade. So I decided to create an owner’s manual for navigating life’s emergencies. I call it my GPS System, Guiding Path to Sanity, and it is filled with great quotes, tools, and helpful activities to remember when navigating the bumpy, inward terrain. Read more »