Feeling Like Your Life is Out of Balance? Here’s A New Perspective

I always love finding an article that takes something we all know, but looks at it from a new perspective. That’s what this article by Dr. Nick Campos does. Dr. Campos chooses to take a more balanced view of the “balanced life.” Most of us have heard that we should try to maintain a balance between work and our personal lives which includes all the things that give our life meaning.  If we work too much, we are not living our true life purpose or giving ourselves enough time to do what we love. For Dr. Campos, however, the concept of a balanced life is not that black and white.

Dr. Campos purposes that balance is different for each person. For some their job is their true life’s purpose, so they should keep working but be sure to take breaks to regenerate the creative juices and keep fresh. If your work is not your life’s purpose, don’t be discouraged. Dr. Campos suggests taking a new perspective. While you do want to be sure that you maintain time to follow your purpose, you should not look at your job as being separate from that purpose. It is, after all, the tool that allows you to have or pursue your life’s goals in other areas. All the things you do in your life have purpose, and they all flow into the total balance in your life.


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