Feeling Stuck or Overwhelmed? Learn How Routines and Rituals Can Enhance Your Life

I love this article by Debra Smouse. I’d never really thought about the difference between routines and rituals, but Debra clearly explains the differences and importance of having both in our lives.  We often think of the routines in our lives as the list of dreary, never-ending must-dos. Here, however, one learns that if we change our perspective, choose our routines carefully, and do them mindfully, they can actually calm the chaos that often rules our lives. Rituals also help to calm the chaos. They provide the quiet time to listen and nourish our spirit, a time to check in with our hearts and keep us on our true path.

Debra suggests that by having both morning and evening routines and rituals, we can begin and end our day on a positive note. She also reminds us that while it is important to honor them, it is also important to keep them fluid and adjust them as necessary to reflect our ever-changing lives.  After reading the article, I’m sure you will find yourself reflecting on your own routines and rituals as I did.


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