Spiritual Diabetes: 3 Ways to Reconnect with Your Soul

Diabetes is a topic that hits close to home for me. My mother has it. Her mother had it. My aunts had it. Within our culture, it seems to be on the rise. Physically, it is the starvation of a cell. The cells have sugar outside of themselves within the bloodstream but lack the key, insulin, to have access to what they need most in order to live, let alone thrive. The cells are surrounded by what they need but are unable let it in. There is a physio-chemical reason that this happens, but I believe that it happens energetically and spiritually first.

We all want to be happy
All of us want to be happy but can we trust being happy when so much of life is serious, when there is so much to be afraid of? All of us want to feel connected, important, to be seen, received, and that we matter.  All of us are craving the sweet nectar of life. What is the nectar of life, and how do we let it in?

In Sanskrit there is a word-Amrit, sometimes called Amrita. The word literally translates to immortality. It is said that in deep states of meditation amrita or nectar drops down from the pituitary gland and feeds us. One drop is said to conquer death. Whether we are looking for the reassurance of immortality or being nourished on a Soul level, giving ourselves the opportunity to connect and feed ourselves in this way is the key, the insulin, to unlocking our true happiness.

Diabetes is simply a disconnection that we have made from our true and authentic source of happiness. We can do this in a number of ways. We don’t have to have a sugar imbalance. We can disconnect from our sense of belonging, health, prosperity, love, our innocence, creative self, voice and Spirit. The good news is that all we need to do is reconnect.  To what? Our Selves.

When we believe that happiness, the sweetness, the Amrita, is outside of ourselves, we starve. We give all of our power away to our circumstances not realizing that the nectar is right here, right now, within us.

3 Ways to Reconnect to Our Selves and Our Souls

1. Intention is a form of reconnection because it is that act of moving inward to listen to and collaborate with your heart. When we connect with our hearts, we connect with our desires, our truth, our message and wisdom. There is richness and pure, unabashed joy in collaborating with our hearts. What is your intention today?

2. Gratitude is another way to reconnect to our Selves because it takes us to our Soul’s perspective. Our Souls know that everything is manifesting for our best and highest good. It sees the larger picture. It knows that we are beyond capable of triumphing over our circumstances. It’s rooting for us as our personal cheerleader begging us to see past the illusion and into the larger picture. Being grateful for all the ways our human-ness and Spirit are being tempered into greatness reconnects us to the truth of who we are.

3. Meditation is the act of purposefully connecting to and basking in our Soul light. Meditation is not about having epiphanies or enlightened experiences during our sit. It is for the way it influences all the rest of the time that we are not in meditation. When we bask in our Soul light, we re-member. To re-member is to reconnect. That reconnection influences our day to day thoughts, words, experiences and responses.

In closing, I am leaving you with a quote by Rumi. You could substitute the word happiness for love, but it is all the same.

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

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