It’s A Small World After All

Once upon a time, I was reluctant to become involved with Facebook. I originally joined so that I could see pictures of my grandkids. Here I am a few years later, and not only do I have a personal page, but a JoyfulLifeTools group page as well. What began as simply a way to connect with family has blossomed into a way to communicate with people from all over the world.

That dawned on me for the first time when JoyfulLifeTools was young. I’d posted my Monday Motivation as usual. I received a response that said something like, “The Monday Motivation is great, even on Tuesday.” I was a bit confused because it wasn’t Tuesday yet…at least not for me. I soon realized, however, that it was Tuesday in Australia, and that’s where the comment came from. It was at that moment that I truly began to appreciate the ease at which we can now communicate with people around the world.

When the JoyfulLifeTools Facebook page was new, I began “liking” other pages with similar interests and visiting the websites associated with the pages. I was fascinated and elated that there were so many others with similar interests and messages, and I loved that the sites were from all over the world, not just close to home. (Language seemed to be the only barrier, and I’m sure there’s a solution for that.)

We Can All Make A Difference
As this holiday season approached, my thoughts began to focus on home, family, and friends. I then began to think about how many other people around the world were beginning to feel the same holiday excitement. I suddenly realized, however, that Thanksgiving, the day that begins the holiday season in the United States, was not celebrated all over the world. (While Canada does have a Thanksgiving, it is in October several weeks before ours.)  While my mind was imagining the entire world feeling the same excitement and busyness, that just wasn’t true. While many countries are preparing for Christmas, others have their own set of holiday preparations now or at other times of the year. They have their own special celebrations for which they too prepare, gather together, and share the joy.

So just as my horizons have opened with new worldwide connections online, I want to encourage us to extend our focus as we celebrate this coming holiday season. It begins with family, friends, and community, but let’s also allow our joy and love to extend out beyond our own community and circle of friends. Imagine these ripples of joy and love encircling the world like the ever widening ripples in a pond. The tipping point is coming, and it all begins with us. We can each make a difference in our own small way because just like those ripples in a pond, we can touch all shores. It is a small world after all.

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