Holidays! Hassles or Havens?

We have all heard about changing your thoughts to change your life. But only recently did I discover just how much the words we use really ARE frequencies of energy that carry vibrations influencing moods and outcomes. I learned first-hand how swapping a few little words could make a world of difference in our experiences and maybe even change a hurried and hassled holiday season into a more heavenly one! 

A while ago I caught myself saying I have to go the barn, and it dawned on me that it sounded like such a chore. Even though it often involves mucking stalls and heavy weight lifting, I stopped my thoughts in their tracks and said, “Wait a minute…remember when you were a little girl (and not so little girl) and all you ever wanted was a horse? Do you suppose that little girl would ever have thought of having to go to the barn like an obligation vs. getting to go like a ginormous blessing?” Well, that thought opened the proverbial can of worms. I quickly launched into a silent round of where else do I think I have to do this, and what would it be like if instead I thought I get to do this, like it is an exciting opportunity rather than a never-ending drudge list of tasks to complete? 

It’s a Conscious Choice
So with this in mind, could you imagine how much better life would be, especially during the flurry of holiday activities, if you changed all of the items on your list from have to’s to get to’s? Instead of saying, “I have to go to the grocery store,” it becomes “I get to go the grocery store.” The latter somehow implies an opportunity or benefit, a privilege to do this instead of a forced into situation. “I have to buy a gift” becomes “I get to buy a gift.” “I have to go to the in-laws” translates to “I get to go to the in-laws.”

 This “little” realization has been so revolutionary for me that I even held a one-day seminar built around the topic of choosing words more consciously. I brought along a great book by Doreen Virtue called, Angel Words; Visual Evidence of How Words Can Be Angels in Your Life. Doreen shares how whenever she said the word Angel into the recording device, the monitor drew graphics in the shape of an angel. When she spoke positive words, they elicited larger more lively diagrams, while negative or lower frequency words drew smaller or darker shapes.

 During the class we decided it might be useful to have a buddy act as a word cop to ring a bell or make a sound whenever we slipped into the “have to” consciousness. You could also program an aspect of yourself to remind you to replace errant thoughts with more helpful choices.

As a byproduct of this exercise, you will discover that you tend to have more energy in the present moment to offer to your tasks, rather than feeling heavy with the have-to procrastination mindset. With this simple distinction, it also makes it easier to play with the illusion of time. It becomes easier to have more than enough time to get to everything on the “get to” list and that most certainly will contribute to a more joyful holiday season. 

It may seem subtle, but try it. Then notice how much better things start to feel. The outcome may just surprise you!

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