Opening to Our Spiritual Path

While sitting on the patio the other morning, I watched a large blue jay land on top of the fence. Nothing unusual for a beautiful morning; but as I watched him, I was suddenly struck with, what I call, one of those magical moments of grace. I looked at that blue jay and felt him, felt his spirit. In that instant I knew we were all part of one world of spirit and energy. I smiled and gave gratitude for that moment of magic. These are the times in our lives when we can recognize our spirituality, our oneness, our connection to the world, to the universe. These times can be as simple as watching a sunset over the ocean or as dramatic as watching a child come into the world. Read more »

Feeling Stuck or Overwhelmed? Learn How Routines and Rituals Can Enhance Your Life

I love this article by Debra Smouse. I’d never really thought about the difference between routines and rituals, but Debra clearly explains the differences and importance of having both in our lives.  We often think of the routines in our lives as the list of dreary, never-ending must-dos. Here, however, [...] Read more »